Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ever had one of these days?

Oh my... ever wake up and feel like this... You just don't wanna go to work, and want to pull the covers way up over your head... This poor dragon looks like he rolled down a hill. Some days I feel like this after watching my twins all day. How I wish I had the energy they had... if I did ... my scrapbooking would be up to date, dinner would be ready on time everyday, my house would be spotless, and I would post everyday.Oh well such is life... Have a great day and thank you so much for stopping by....


Denise said...

Love it Jodie!!! I feel like this at the end of the day......coming over again soon?

Jamee said...

aww cute!!! looks like he came across a vampire... haha!

eunice said...

OMG, Jodie, this Dustin Pike dragon is ADORABLE! And you did such an awesome job coloring him!

Little C's Creations said...

I LOVE the coloring you have on this one.. sooo cute n' purdy!!!


Teri said...

Love your dragon card. I feel like this too. I can't imagine what it would be like watching twins...never mind, keeping up with my 14 year old is enough for this old lady :0